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Abstract Submission

The Korean Surgical Society (KSS) invites all members to submit oral and poster abstracts. We welcome you to contribute to the most up-to-date research and latest developments in the surgical fields. All abstracts will be reviewed by the Scientific Committee and assigned to the appropriate session based on the author’s application and program requirements. Abstracts should be submitted online. For queries, please contact the ACKSS2021 Secretariat at ackss@ackss.or.kr

Important Dates

  • -Abstract Submission Deadline: September 3, 2021
  • -Notification of Review Results: September 24, 2021

Steps for Abstract Submission

  • Step 1 Click the Abstract Submission button above
  • Step 2 Sign up or Log in
  • Step 3 Select the preferred presentation type and topic
  • Step 4 Fill in the content, affiliations, and author information
  • Step 5 Save and review until September 3, 2021

Submission Categories

  • -Best Investigator (* For more information, please refer to the guidelines below)
  • -Oral
  • -Poster
  • -Resident Oral (For more information, please refer to the guidelines below)
  • -International Affairs Committee Session (For more information, please refer to the guidelines below)

※ Best Investigators

  1. 1.The top 10 presenters who apply for the “Best Investigators” will be selected.
  2. 2.Award Prizes
    • -Gold Prize: KRW 1,500,000 (1 winner)
    • -Silver Prize: KRW 1,000,000 (2 winners)
    • -Bronze Prize: KRW 500,000 (3 winners)
  3. 3.Presentations should be delivered in English.
  4. 4.Presentations admitted for publishing in the Annals of Surgical Treatment and Research (KSS journal) will be given priority.
    (※ Must be mentioned as “Presented at the Best Investigators Session”).
  5. 5.Abstracts not selected for the Best Investigators Session will be reevaluated for Integrated Oral Presentation sessions.

For queries, please contact the ACKSS2021 Secretariat at ackss@ackss.or.kr

※ Resident Oral (전공의 구연)  * For Korean residents

Resident Oral (전공의 구연)은 전공의 3년제 전환에 따른 논문 수료 기준을 대체하는 발표입니다.

  1. 1.참가 대상: 전공의 1~3년차
  2. 2.발표 유형: 구연
  3. 3.주의 사항
    • -발표 현장에는 지도 교수님 또는 소속 병원의 지도전문의 교수님 배석이 필수입니다. (초록 접수 시, 현장에 참가할 교수님 정보를 입력해주셔야 합니다.)
    • -증례 보고는 접수 불가합니다.
    • -제출 편수는 제한 없습니다.
    • -기발표된 논문은 발표자가 주저자일 경우에만 가능합니다.
    • -사전 심사를 통해 초록 채택 여부가 결정되며, 현장 심사를 통해 수료 여부가 최종 결정됩니다

※ International Affairs Committee Session * For International Visiting Scholars Residing in Korea

  1. 1.Participants: International visiting scholars residing in Korea
  2. 2.Presentation Type: Oral
  3. 3.Subject
    • (1) What I am learning/doing during my surgical training in Korea
    • (2) What I am researching during my surgical training in Korea
  4. 4.Outstanding abstracts will be selected for oral presentation and presented at the congress.
Breast Hepato-Biliary and Pancreas Surgical Infection
Burn Hernia Surgical Oncology
Colorectal Nutrition & Metabolism Surgical Quality Improvement
Education Obesity Thyroid & Endocrinology
Endoscopic & Laparoscopic Surgery Pediatric Trauma/Critical Care/Emergency Surgery
General Surgery Robotic Surgery Ultrasound
Geriatric Surgery Stomach & Esophagus Vascular Surgery

Abstract Submission Guidelines

  1. 1.Abstracts should be submitted online.
  2. 2.Abstracts should be written in English.
  3. 3.The body of the abstract should be constructed to include: Purpose, Method, Result and Conclusion.
  4. 4.The maximum number of words is 400. Titles, authors and organizations will not be counted in the 400 word limit. With figures and tables added, the maximum limit should be within 1,000 words.
  5. 5.The original abstract file should be uploaded on the submission page.
  6. 6.Fill in the affiliations of all authors first and then authors' names and emails. You can select the affiliations which you've already filled in before.
  7. 7.Please click the 'Save' button for each step and press the Last 'Save' button to complete it.
  8. 8.Authors may edit and modify submitted abstracts until the submission deadline. It is the responsibility of the authors to ensure the accuracy of their abstracts. There will be no additional editing after the deadline.
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